Terminal: Blockchain-Divination

Burning Ring of Fire Area


Recover the Burning Ring of Fire

Task 2: Blockchain Divination

Difficulty: 4/5 Christmas Trees Description: Use the Blockchain Explorer in the Burning Ring of Fire to investigate the contracts and transactions on the chain. At what address is the KringleCoin smart contract deployed? Find hints for this objective hidden throughout the tunnels.


A Solid Hint - From: Hidden Chest - Hall of Talks

Find a transaction in the blockchain where someone sent or received KringleCoin! The _Solidity Source File_ is listed as `KringleCoin.sol`. [Tom's Talk](https://youtu.be/r3zj9DPC8VY) might be helpful!

Opening the terminal presents you with the Blockchain Explorer tool, starting at Block #0. Hit the next arrows in the Explorer UI to move to Block #1.

Scroll down to the transaction area of the data. The details show that Transaction 0 of Block #1 creates a contract and displays the Contract Address. Pasted image 20221212150644

The address that the Smart Contract was deployed to is 0xc27A2D3DE339Ce353c0eFBa32e948a88F1C86554.

Head back to the Burning Ring of Fire Area to submit this address in your badge.