Area: North-Pole

Entering this area for the first time unlocks a new narrative line in the Story section of the badge.

Five Rings for the Christmas king immersed in cold

It also unlocks a new task.


KringleCon Orientation (Cont.)

Difficulty: 1/5 Christmas Trees Description: Get your bearings at KringleCon

Task 5: Talk to Santa

Difficulty: N/A Description: Talk to Santa in front of the castle to get your next objectives.


Speaking with Santa initiates the following dialog. Santa

Welcome to the North Pole, intrepid traveler!
Wow, we had quite a storm last night!
My castle door is sealed shut behind a giant snowbank.
The Elves have decided to burrow under the snow to get everything ready for our holiday deliveries.
But there's another wrinkle: my Five Golden Rings have _gone missing_.
Without the magic of the Rings, we simply can't launch the holiday season.
My reindeer won't fly; I won't be able to zip up and down chimneys.
What's worse, without the magic Rings, I can't fit the millions of cookies in my belly!
I challenge you to go on a quest to find and retrieve each of the five Rings.
I'll put some initial goals in your badge for you.
The holidays, and the whole world, are counting on you.

Completing this conversation unlocks another line of narrative, as well as five more objectives.

Visit 1


KringleCoin Teller Machine

You enter this area in the bottom center. Next to Santa is a KringleCoin Teller Machine (KTM). Interacting with the KTM provides you with the following options.

# KringleCoin Teller Machine
Welcome to the KringleCoin Network! We're glad you're here!

[Check a wallet balance](

[Approve a KringleCoin transfer](

[Test a wallet's key](

Checking my own wallet balance returns the following information.

# KringleCoin Teller Machine

Welcome to the KringleCoin Network! We're glad you're here!

Wallet Address: 0xaA0efBB9c2975175d6A81c4814F85076D374531d

Ethereum: 1.000000000000000000  
(used for paying transaction "gas" fees)  
KringleCoin: 10

Check Balance

[Return to Main Menu](

Checking out the Approve Transfer functionality shows an interface for sending KringleCoins to other wallet addresses.

# KringleCoin Teller Machine

Welcome to the KringleCoin Network! We're glad you're here!

"To" Address: 

Amount (KC): 

Your Key:

Approve Transfer

[Return to Main Menu](

The Test Key functionality appears to verify your Wallet Address/Key pair.

# KringleCoin Teller Machine

Welcome to the KringleCoin Network! We're glad you're here!

Wallet Address: 0xaA0efBB9c2975175d6A81c4814F85076D374531d

Key: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

That IS the correct Key for the provided Wallet Address

Test Key

[Return to Main Menu](


Moving to the far left reveals the Google,, and KringleCon Swag booths along with the Cyberus pup. Google Booth

Google is a proud sponsor of KringleCon and the Holiday Hack Challenge. We wish you a happy holiday hacking season.
[Meet Security Engineers at Google](
... Booth

Happy holidays from the best college in cybersecurity!
We have programs for bachelor's degrees, undergraduate certificates, master's degrees, and graduate certificates.
Visit [our website]( to learn all about the college!


woof! woof!!
I’m Cyberus, the mascot of the []( college!
Go Sentinels!!!!

The swag booth redirects to:

Just above the booths on the far left is the entrance to the NetWars Tournament igloo. Nothing is going on there except an ad for NetWars running on a projecter screen at the front of the room. Garland Candlesticks

Hi, I'm Garland Candlesticks. Welcome to the Netwars room!
The same whimsical minds behind this event also build other games.
I mean ranges. They're cyber ranges.
And they're for training - not fun. Not even a little. 😄

The main entrance to the KringleCon building directly up behind Santa is blocked by a large snow drift. To the right of the entrance is a tunnel door that leads to Underground 1.

Moving to the far right of this area reveals Chimney Scissorsticks, as well as two tunnel doors. Chimney Scissorsticks

You may be wondering where Frost Tower from last year went.
Well, it turns out the entire tower was a giant rocketship!
After the Frostians returned last year and brought Jack Frost to justice…
The entire building launched into space, returning Jack and the Trolls to their home planet.
So that concluded last year’s caper! But I hear that something is amiss this year too!
Some of my fellow elves have burrowed under the snow, and even deeper.
They’ve uncovered some strange stuff down there!
You should definitely check it out!

Both tunnel doors on this right side are currently closed, you cannot enter them at this time.

With nowhere else to go at this time, I head down into the tunnels.

Visit 2

Emerging from the tunnels you will notice that the door to Santa's Castle has been cleared of snow and opened! Head over to Santa to talk to him. Santa

Adventurer! Hurry on into my castle. A holiday miracle has occured!

Head up and into the Entry Room of Santa's Castle.