Area: Elf-House

Area Layout

You enter the Elf House on the first floor. To the left you will see Tinsel Upatree standing next to the Prison Escape Cranberry Pi terminal. Speak with Tinsel for some information about the Prison Escape terminal. Tinsel Upatree

Hiya hiya, I'm Tinsel Upatree!
Check me out, I'm working side-by-side with a real-life Flobbit. Epic!
Anyway, would ya' mind looking at this terminal with me?
It takes a few seconds to start up, but then you're logged into a super secure container environment!
Or maybe it isn't so secure? I've heard about container escapes, and it has me a tad worried.
Do you think you could test this one for me? I'd appreciate it!

Click on the terminal to begin the Prison Escape task. Enter the retrieved string in your badge to receive 25 coins, a new achievement, and instructions to speak with Tinsel Upatree to get the next task. Speaking with Tinsel unlocks the Jolly CI/CD task as well as providing some hints and details related to the challenge. Tinsel Upatree

Great! Thanks so much for your help!
Now that you've helped me with this, I have time to tell you about the deployment tech I've been working on!
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment pipelines allow developers to iterate and innovate quickly.
With this project, once I push a commit, a GitLab runner will automatically deploy the changes to production.
WHOOPS! I didn’t mean to commit that to ``...
Unfortunately, if attackers can get in that pipeline, they can make an awful mess of things!

Head up the ladder on the right side of the house to the second floor, where you will find Rippin Proudboot. Speak with Rippin to get some more information about the Jolly CI/CD task. Rippin Proudboot

Yes, hello, I'm Rippin Proudboot. Can I help you?
Oh, you'd like to help me? Well, I'm not quite sure you can, but we shall see.
The elves here introduced me to this new CI/CD technology. It seems quite efficient.
Unfortunately, the sporcs seem to have gotten their grubby mits on it as well, along with the Elfen Ring.
They've used CI/CD to launch a website, and the Elfen Ring to power it.
Might you be able to check for any misconfigurations or vulnerabilities in their CI/CD pipeline?
If you do find anything, use it to exploit the website, and get the ring back!

Next to Rippin is the Jolly CI/CD Cranberry Pi terminal. Interact with it to begin working on this task.

After completing the terminal, submit the recovered flag string in the badge to receive the Elfen Ring, 100 coins, complete the Elfen Ring Objective, and unlock a new achievement and narrative! Pasted image 20221212110539

Another to find 'ere pipelines get owned

After collecting the rewards Grinchum will appear on the top floor of this area! Speak with Grinchum to learn a bit more about what's happened to the rings. Grinchum

😖 _A second Precious is gone! Now we only have three._
🤨 **Why are you humanses nagging us? We are busy.**_grinchum..grinchum_
**You want to know about us? If we tell the naggy human, will it go away? Fine...**
🥺 **The jolly human and the elfses locked up the Preciouses, but I freed them all, and together we escaped.**
**We fled, and we were so alone. We soon forgot the taste of Lembanh, the softness of snowflakes falling, even our name.**
**And we only wanted to eat raw fish: nigiri, maki, or shashimi. But we most likes gnawing the whole, living fish, so juicy sweet.**
**Then we saw the Sporcses, and they wanted my Preciouses all to themselves.**
**And the humanses came, but they just want coinses for their silly hats.**
**We only meant to protect you, Preciouses, from the naughty Elfses and Flobbitses and Sporcses, so we locked you away.**
😏 **Now leave us alone, naggy human, we must find the two missing Preciouses.**

After speaking with Grinchum, speak with Rippin Proudboot for some further dialog. Ripping Proudboot

How unexpected, you were actually able to help!
Well, then I must apoligize for my dubious greeting.
Us Flobbits can't help it sometimes, it's just in our nature.
Right then, there are other Flobbits that need assistance further into the burrows.
Thank you, and off you go.

Head down the ladder on the right, then use the door to exit the Elf House and return to the .