Area: Cloud-Ring

Area Layout

Head down the ladder in front of the door. As you head down, a large clock/engine mechanism will come into view in the chamber on the left. Continue heading down the ladder. At the bottom, move to the left and up the first ladder. Jill Underpole is waiting on the first landing. Speak with the elf to get a hint for the AWS terminal. Jill Underpole

Umm, can I help you?
Me? I'm Jill Underpole, thank you very much.
I'm working on this here smoke terminal.
Cloud? Sure, whatever you want to call it.
Anyway, you're welcome to try this out, if you think you know what you're doing.
You'll have to learn some basics about the AWS command line interface (CLI) to be successful though.

Interact with the Cranberry Pi terminal to begin the AWS CLI Intro Objective task. Solving this task grants you 5 coins, an achievement, and completes the related objective task. Talk to Jill Underpole again for details on the next objective task along with two hints. Jill Underpole

Wait, you got it done, didn't you?
Ok, consider me impressed. You could probably help Gerty, too.
The first trick'll be running the Trufflehog tool.
It's as good at sniffing out secrets as I am at finding mushrooms!
After that, it's just a matter of getting to the secret the tool found.
I'd bet a basket of portobellos you'll get this done!

Head to the left side of the platform and up the ladder. Speak with Gerty Snowburrow to receive instructions for the Trufflehog Search objective task. Gerty Snowburrow

Well now, look who's venturing down into the caves!
And well, who might you be, exaclty?
I'm Gerty Snowburrow, if you need to know.
And, not that I should be telling you, but I'm trying to figure out what Alabaster Snowball's done this time.
Word is, he committed some secrets to [a code repo](
If you're feeling so inclined, you can try and find them for me.

After completing the task, submit the answer in the form field of the objective task in the badge to receive 10 KringleCoins, and an achievement. Speak with Gerty Snowburrow again to unlock the next objective task, along with two hints for it. Gerty Snowburrow

Say, you got it done, didn't you?
Well now, you might just be able to tackle the other AWS terminal down here.
It's a bit more involved, but you've got the credentials to get it started now.
Before you try it, you should know the difference between managed and inline policies.
Short version: inline policies apply to one identity (user, role, group), and managed policies can be attached to many identities.
There are different AWS CLI commands to interact with each kind.
Other than that, the important bit is to know a bit about cloud or IAM privilege escalation.
Sometimes attackers find access to more resources by just trying things until something works.
But if they have access to the `iam` service inside the AWS CLI, they might just be able to ask what access they have!
You can do it!

Head back down both ladders to the ground floor, then head left. Before climbing the ladder continue heading left into the wall to find another hidden chest. Head left 4 spaces, up 5 spaces, then left to the chest to receive 10 KringleCoins and another hint for the Smart Contract objective task.

Head back to the final ladder and climb it to the top platform where you will find Sulfrod. Sulfrod

Hey! You - come here!
You look like someone who knows how to do this nerd stuff.
I need my terminal to be stronger, like me!
You're gonna do that for me so I can bust into this cloud machine thing.

Interact with the terminal to begin the Exploitation via AWS CLI objective task. After solving the terminal you will receive the Cloud Ring, 25 KringleCoins, an achievement, and a new narrative line! Pasted image 20221212132850

Into clouds Grinchum had the fourth thrown

Speak with Sulfrod before moving on. The sporc is very mad you got the ring instead. Sulfrod

Ha! Now I have the ring!
This computer stuff sure is easy if you just make someone do it for you.
Wait.. the computer gave **you** the ring? Gah, whatever.
This never happened, got it? Now beat it, nerd!

Head back down the ladder. Grinchum is waiting on the ground floor. Grinchum

🥺 _Four Preciouses - lost!_
😫 _Noooo... grinchum..grinchum_
😐 **..... naggy human doesn't _only_ want coinses and hatses.**
**...What... 🤨has it got...**
😠 **in its silly, little, badges!?**
😧**Stole them... 😠 You STOLE them!**
😡 **Raaaargh!! We will make sure naggy human never takes our last Precious!**

Head back up the ladder on the right, then through the door back to the .