Area: Staging


KringleCon Orientation

Difficulty: 1/5 Christmas Trees Description: Get your bearings at KringleCon.

Task 1: Talk to Jingle Ringford

Difficulty: 1/5 Christmas Trees Description: Jingle Ringford will start you on your journey!


Jingle Ringford is the only NPC present in this area. Speaking with Jingle Ringford triggers the following dialog. Jingle Ringford Dialog

Welcome to the North Pole, KringleCon, and the 2022 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge! I’m Jingle Ringford, one of Santa’s elves.
Santa asked me to come here and give you a short orientation to this festive event.
Before you move forward through the gate, I’ll ask you to accomplish a few simple tasks.
First things first, here's your badge! It's the five golden rings in the middle of your avatar.
Great - now you're official! 
Click on the badge on your avatar. That’s where you will see your Objectives, Hints, and gathered Items for the Holiday Hack Challenge.
We’ve also got handy links to the KringleCon talks and more there for you!
Next, click on that machine to the left and create a crypto wallet for yourself. Don't lose that key!

Task 2: Get your badge

Difficulty: 1/5 Christmas Trees Description: Pick up your badge.


During the dialog with Jingle Ringford your avatar receives a badge that looks like five golden rings, completing this task. Pasted image 20221209114319

Task 3: Create a wallet

Difficulty: 1/5 Christmas Trees Description: Create a crypto wallet.


Clicking on the terminal displays the following introduction.

# KringleCoin Teller Machine - Account Creation

Welcome to the KringleCoin Network! We're glad you're here!

Hello! This system is designed to help you with the process of creating a cryptocurrency wallet!  
We will do all of the tedious, difficult work for you - you just need to do one, **_VERY_** important thing:  
We're going to be showing you some very important information: _YOU will **need** to keep track of it._  
If you lose the private key to your wallet... well, we don't even want to think about that.  
Probably the only thing on earth that could save you is some genuine Santa-type magic...  
So please **_(PLEASE)_** get prepared to copy down the information we're going to present to you on the next screen.

Click here when you're ready to proceed

Clicking the button to proceed results in 5 coins being added to your wallet, followed by the following information.

# KringleCoin Teller Machine

Welcome to the KringleCoin Network! We're glad you're here!

It appears that you currently do not have a KringleCoin wallet.  
You'll need one while you're here at the North Pole.  
Let's get started and set up your wallet.  
You'll earn KringleCoins for completing challenges or you just  
might be lucky enough to find some! Who knows!  
Your KringleCoin wallet consists of two values, a WalletAddress and a Private (Secret) Key.  
**_This is critically important: YOU are responsible for keeping track of your account information.  
If you come back here, we can tell you your WalletAddress, but (and this is very, VERY important)  
We CANNOT tell you your secret key. If you lose it, you lose access to your KringleCoins._**  
Here is your KringleCoin wallet information:  
WalletAddress: 0xaA0efBB9c2975175d6A81c4814F85076D374531d  
Key: 0x0c58536efabb4ea12cff56498c947cf49acc13d0aeda7a05f3bda708e3bbe9c4  

After closing this window the task will be marked as complete.

Task 4: Use the terminal

Difficulty: 1/5 Christmas Trees Description: Click the computer terminal


After completeing Task 3, talk to Jingle Ringford again.

OK, one last thing. Click on the **Cranberry Pi Terminal** and follow the on-screen instructions.

A Cranberry Pi terminal will appear on the table next to Jingle Ringford. Clicking it will open the terminal.

Welcome to the first terminal challenge!

This one is intentionally simple. All we need you to do is:

- Click in the upper pane of this terminal
- Type answer and press Enter


Entering the string answer in the upper portion of the terminal window completes the challenge and awards an acheivement.

Speaking with Jingle Ringford again provides new dialog.

Great! Your orientation is now complete! You can enter through the gate now. Have FUN!!!

You are now able to proceed through the open gate, taking you to the North Pole area.