Area: Fountain

Area Layout

This area is just a single small room with the Sporc NPC Akbowl in the center, standing next to a fountain. Side note, this room has my favorite music track so far. Akbowl

Huh - what? Why do you disturb Akbowl?
I'm trying to get the ring in here for the Sporc Chief.
Unlucky for me it's lost in this water basin thing.
You will _not_ get it out before Akbowl!

Interact with the fountain to begin . After solving the challenge, submit the filename into the form field inside the Objectives tab of your badge to receive the Web Ring, 100 coins, an achievement, and a new narrative. Pasted image 20221212110343

One beneath a fountain where water flowed

After exiting the badge, Grinchum appears to the right of the fountain! Grinchum

😏 _First lost... second lost... third lost._ 😟
_Where are they?_ 😦 _WHERE ARE THEY, preciouses?_
_No! Aaargh! Lost!_
😖 **You - naggy human. Musn't bother us. 😱 Not its business!** _grinchum..grinchum_

Speak with Akbowl before leaving, he is pretty mad that he wasn't able to recover the ring first. Akbowl

No! That's not yours!
This birdbath showed me images of this happening.
But I didn't believe it because nobody is better than Akbowl!
Akbowl's head is the hardest! That's what the other sporcs tell me.
I guess Akbowl's head is not the smartest.

Head over to the door to exit back into the .