
SANS Holiday Hack Challenge: Welcome/Orientation

Speaker(s): Ed Skoudis

In this presentation, Ed welcomes you to the 2021 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge, orienting you to the environment, the characters, the storyline, and the super useful KringleCon 4 snowflake badge. He gives tips for navigating Santa’s castle and its interface, as well as ways to chat with other participants and get hints. In 5 short minutes, Ed provides you all the information you need to get rolling in this year's super exciting Holiday Hack extravaganza!

Location: Track 1

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Automate Security Response by Creating Your Own "Naughty Lists"

Speaker(s): Andy Smith

Location: Track 2

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Fail2Ban - Uses logic/triggers to initiate bans when those are reached.

Reads log files for actions used to match logic/triggers.

RFC-3514 Compliant Pentesting: Being Good While You're Being Bad

Speaker(s): Tom Liston

Location: Track 2

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This was all about an April Fools joke that proposed setting an evil bit on packets… I really can't tell if this dude is serious about it or not, but changing packets on the fly with scapy/python is useful regardless I guess.

Disclosing Security Vulnerabilities to Open-Source Projects… Like a Boss

Speaker(s): Nancy Gariché

Location: Track 3

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FPGA Design for Embedded Systems

Speaker(s): Prof. Qwerty Petabyte

Location: Track 3

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Kubernetes Attack Demo: Hacking a Cheating Casino

Speaker(s): Jay Beale

Location: Track 4

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The Abominable Snowman's Threat Hunting Adventure

Speaker(s): Xena Olsen

Location: Track 4

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A CISO's Best Friend: The Pentester!!?!

Speaker(s): Sean Atkinson + Chris Elgee

Location: Track 5

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Demonstrating Active Directory Penetration Testing

Speaker(s): Chris Davis

Location: Track 5

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How to Build a Free Malware Lab in Under an Hour

Speaker(s): Mary Ellen Kennel

Location: Track 6

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Using Open-Source Tools to Track Elves

Speaker(s): Clay Moody

Location: Track 6

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Talks about techniques that apply to both Objective 2: Where In The World…. and the Exif Metadata (Document Challenge) Terminal Challenge.


Google Image search the image, since it tries to match "like" pictures to it, so you may be able to identify background buildings and stuff if it's unique/identifiable enough.

ExifTool can help you pull some metadata if that hasn't been scrubbed from the image.

Eliminating XSS in Angular Applications

Speaker(s): Google

Location: Track 7

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HIDden Ducky, Deconstructed Payload

Speaker(s): Kevin Tyers

Location: Track 7

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HID Attack uses a device to emulate user input to a target. Commonly USB, but doesn't have to be.

Even if company blocks USB storage, they probably don't block HID devices like keyboards etc.

Means anything you can do with a keyboard you can do with this type of attack.