Pattern of Life


Pasted image 20220908152634


Downloaded pcap and opened in wireshark.

They said it's not in an encrypted protocol, so I can filter out TLSv1.2 with '!tls'.

There's a bunch of ACK packets going out 49606 to a public IP on port 443. Pasted image 20220908152713 Again same thing: Pasted image 20220908152741

That wasn't it. There is some weird DNS requests

I'll filter only the packets with the infected host as the source, and I'll filter ouit tcp.port 443 since that's not the right answer seeing as I tried it… Pasted image 20220908152754 Something on 137: Pasted image 20220908152803 Ok, I filtered out the QUIC stuff, and there are just these weird single chars going over LLMNR to DST Port 5355: Pasted image 20220908152813 I saw that there was this recurring request for /en-us/test.html, on port 8080, so I tried that, and it was the flag! Pasted image 20220908152826 Flag:


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