Area: Elfen-Ring

Area Layout

Visit 1

After entering this room it appears that you are now in a cave with a path heading "down". You are unable to walk off the path itself, so follow it towards the bottom of the screen where you will encounter a small boat, moored at the end of the path. Entering the boat will allow you to sail down the river to the right. Proceed down the river to the right until you reach a floating dock on stilts. Bow Ninecandle is hanging out fishing on this dock. Speak with Bow to get a hint. Bow Ninecandle

Well hello! I'm Bow Ninecandle!
Have you ever used Git before? It's so neat!
It adds so much convenience to DevOps, like those times when a new person joins the team.
They can just clone the project, and start helping out right away!
Speaking of, maybe you could help me out with cloning this repo?
I've heard there's multiple methods, but I only know how to do one.
If you need more help, check out the [panel of very senior DevOps experts.](

The Clone with a Difference Cranberry Pi terminal is on the dock next to Bow Ninecandle. Interact with this terminal to begin working on the first task.

After completing the terminal you will receive 5 KringleCoins, an achievement, complete the associated objective task, and unlock the task to find the next objective task. Speak with Bow Ninecandle to complete this task, unlock the next objective task, and to get some hints for the next objective task. Bow Ninecandle

Wow - great work! Thank you!
Say, if you happen to be testing containers for security, there are some things you should think about.
Developers love to give ALL TeH PERMz so that things "just work," but it can cause real problems.
It's always smart to check for excessive user and container permissions.
You never know! You might be able to interact with host processes or filesystems!

Head back down the ladder to the boat, then continue down the river to the right. After reaching another dock with a path leading to another door, disembark the boat. Head up and through the door into the Elf House Area.

Visit 2

Head back down the path and get in the boat. Bypass Bow Ninecandle, there is no new dialog to get from him. When you reach the dock on the far left side of the river get out of the boat and head through the door at the top of the path to return to the .