
  • User
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rohitpfsensepfsense login on tcp/443

Interesting Artifacts

ArtifactOriginal PathSaved PathNotes



Distribution: FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p16

Architecture: ?

FQDN: pfSense.localdomain

vhosts: ?

Lessons Learned

Always fuzz web directories. Don't descend recursively until I've at minimum hit each path with a 2.3-medium wordlist scan.



Open Ports

http on tcp/80
lighttpd 1.4.35

https? on tcp/443

Manual Enumeration

The first thing I did against this target machine was to run an Nmap quick scan, full TCP port scan, and top 20 UDP port scan. I followed these scans up by running service-specific Nmap script scans on each discovered exposed port.

Nmap discovered and identified the http server running on tcp/80. Nmap could not confirm that the service running on tcp/443 was actually and https server.

Per whatweb scans, tcp/80 is redirecting to tcp/443.

Per robots.txt, tcp/80 has moved to tcp/443.

The index page on tcp/443 appears to be a Login page, and might use php?

It looks like gobuster found some directories and php files as well.

I decided to run wfuzz using the same seclists common.txt wordlist against 443, but through my Burp proxy, to generate a site tree.

Per the ChangeLog.txt file, there is an outstanding vulnerability on the firewall.

Based on the md5 hash of the .ico file found in /themes/pfsense_ng/favicon.ico, this target is running pfSense 1.2.

I then ran gobuster through burpsuite against the webroot on tcp/443 again, this time using the 2.3-medium wordlist.

Looking at the discovered system-users.txt file, it exposes a username and hints at a password.

I decided to try the username rohit, plus the default pfsense password of pfsense to log in, which was successful.

While logged in, I can see that this is actually pfsense version 2.1.3, running on FreeBSD 8.3.

Searching for this version in searchsploit, I found a python exploit that should return a web shell if successful. It takes rhost, lhost, lport, and pfsense username and password as arguments.

I send the exploit, using the discovered credentials.

python exploit/ --rhost --lhost --lport 445 --username rohit --password pfsense

And I get a shell back! I appear to be a root user!

User Compromise

root Compromise

Next: SolidState