Key Mission

Solved by Me.

Challenge Info

Pasted image 20220911180626


Downloaded and unzipped file, saw it was a .pcap. Opened pcap in wireshark, saw that the protocol was logged as USB for all packets. Pasted image 20220911180658

While investigating the handshake packets, I saw that the device appeared to be a Razer BlackWidow, aka a keyboard. Pasted image 20220911180707

The HID input data appeared to be keystrokes on the wire being transmitted from keyboard to computer. Pasted image 20220911180715

The URB transfer type was URB_INTERRUPT (0x01). Pasted image 20220911180723

There were two packet types involved in the communication after the initial handshake, a URB_INTERRUPT in from the keyboard at 3.2.1 that was 72 bytes long, and a response from the host that was 64 bytes long. The 8 byte difference in each packet was the keyboard keypress.

I saw that the URB type: URB_COMPLETE ('C') was the best filter to view only the char press packets. Pasted image 20220911180745

I narrowed the filter to JUST the char press packets by adding a usb source filter. Pasted image 20220911180754

I selected the HID Data key value, then selected Apply as Column from the right-click menu: Pasted image 20220911180803

This added the HID Data column to the packet window in wireshark: Pasted image 20220911180811

I saved the packets as a CSV, then I was able to print just the HID Data.

cat key_press_dump.csv | awk -F '"' '{print $14}'

Pasted image 20220911180847

Found list of HID Key scan codes, related as a dec and hex here:

I was initially having some trouble with getting the flag in the correct syntax, due to the characters printing multiple times, as well as the repeating \x02 byte from the shift key being pressed, plus the mask byte on the shifted key. I tuned the filter in WireShark to remove all the packets with an HID Data payload of 0000000000000000 and 0200000000000000. Pasted image 20220911180925

I also tested how the bytearray.fromhex() function worked in Python, and I saw that it split the 16 byte string into single bytes. key-1

Based on that observation, I fixed a nested indent issue with my script that was causing some characters to print multiple times, and I re-ran the script on the hexOutput file sourced from the data exported with the updated WireShark filters. I also edited the array to display \x02 as 'ShiftMask'.

When I opened the output of this file, I saw a much easier to transcribe list. Pasted image 20220911181026

Transcribing the list led to the following:

I am sending secretary's location over this totally encrypted channel to make sure no one else will be able to read it except of us. This information is confidential and must not be shared with anyone else. The secretary' s hidden location is CHTB{a_plac3_fAr_fAr_away_fr0m_earth}

