Document Analysis


KringleCon - Courtyard

Exif Metadata?


Pasted image 20220909220516


Pasted image 20220909220535

All the file dates are the same: Pasted image 20220909220545

Ran exiftool on the first file, saw that the File Name and the Last Modified By attributes both existed. Pasted image 20220909220553

Figured out that I could list only specified attrs by indicating them with -. Pasted image 20220909220617

Tested listing each File Name and Last Modified by with bash script and echoed newlines so I could see which ones went together. Pasted image 20220909220624

Ran the full command:

for i in {1..25]; do echo ""; exiftool -FileName -LastModifiedBy 2021-12-0$i.docx; echo ""; done

Pasted image 20220909220659

Nothing was found for files 01-09, but I need to remove the leading 0 to get the rest.

for i in {10..25]; do echo ""; exiftool -FileName -LastModifiedBy 2021-12-$i.docx; echo ""; done

Pasted image 20220909220718

Ok, It was santa clause on all of them. Now I'll just compare the create date and the last modified time.

for i in {1..9]; do echo ""; exiftool -FileName -CreateDate -ModifyDate 2021-12-0$i.docx; echo ""; done

Pasted image 20220909220735

Those were all matching, through 09.docx. Now for 10-25.

for i in {10..25]; do echo ""; exiftool -FileName -CreateDate -ModifyDate 2021-12-$i.docx; echo ""; done

Pasted image 20220909220750

That's it! The 2021-12-21.docx file was the one that was modified, it was changed on 12/24/2021. doc-1

Next: term-3