

Can you decrypt the message and get the flag?


Unzipping the file shows two files, an encoded flag and a public rsa key. weak-1

I can't for the life of me find it, but this is exactly like one of the HTB machine steps I had to do. The whole p, q, and e, and if one of them is small the whole thing is vulnerable. It was brainfuck!

Ok, the script needs some other information in binary form. So I need to get the modulus and exponent etc. I can use openssl to get them.

openssl rsa -pubin -in key.pub -text -noout

weak-2 wait… https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51218492/how-to-convert-certificate-to-decimal-modulus-and-exponent

I get the hex of the modulus with openssl and cut, and I store it to a local variable.

> HEX_MODULUS=$(openssl rsa -pubin -in key.pub -modulus -noout | cut -d'=' -f 2)

weak-3 Then I can use the ruby interpreter to flip it to binary real quick.

heredoc> p "$HEX_MODULUS".to_i(16).to_s(10)
heredoc> EOF

weak-4 HOLD THE FUCK UP. Ok, I can use the Crypto library in python3 to do this so much easier… All I did was open the interpreter and import like 1 library lol. weak-5
