Challenge 4 - report

Gave up on challenge 3 lol. That was rough, again. I'm just going to check challenge 4 out real quick to see what's up.

The message tells me that this challenge involves an infected document that has malicious macros. Pasted image 20220904181346 I used the OfficeMalScanner tool from to verify that this xls file did have VB Macro code in the file. officemalscanner

I opened the file in Excel so that I could take a look at the VB Macro source. The initial page was very obviously attempting to trick the user opening the file into enabling the Macro's and allowing the malicious payload to execute. Pasted image 20220904181423

I seriously have no idea what the fuck I'm doing lol. I need to go back and work through the walkthroughs of older flare-on challenges.