Yummy Vegetables


Pasted image 20220908154223




Downloaded the .js source code.

Looks like really simple page that allows you to search stuff. The SQL query is there in the source as well. Pasted image 20220908154238 Ok, if I search carrot I get a response Pasted image 20220908154251 I can dump the whole table. Pasted image 20220908154302 Fuck this noise, I'm jumping to sqlmap for this one I think. I saved the request, and ran with level=5 risk=3 and it properly recognized the injection point.

sqlmap -r sqli --level=5 risk=3

yummy-1 Sqlmap found it injectable: yummy-2 Ran sqlmap to dump dbs, failed and said with sqlite you can only run tables. ran with --tables. yummy-3 Flag table is: the_flag_is_in_here_730387f4b640c398a3d769a39f9cf9b5

Ran column enumeration with:

sqlmap -r sqli --level=5 risk=3 -T the_flag_is_in_here_730387f4b640c398a3d769a39f9cf9b5 --columns

yummy-4 The column name is flag.

I'll dump the table with --dump.

sqlmap -r sqli --level=5 risk=3 -T the_flag_is_in_here_730387f4b640c398a3d769a39f9cf9b5 --dump


Got it! Flag:


Next: Mystery C2 Server