Thaw Frost Towers Entrance
The North Pole - The North Pole
- Thaw Frost Tower's Entrance
Difficulty: 2/5
Turn up the heat to defrost the entrance to Frost Tower. Click on the Items tab in your badge to find a link to the Wifi Dongle's CLI interface. Talk to Greasy Gopherguts outside the tower for tips.
Linux wi-fi commands: The iwlist and iwconfig utilities are key for managing Wi-Fi from the Linux command line.
Web browsing with cURL: cURL makes HTTP requests from a terminal - in Mac, Linux, and modern Windows!
Adding data to cURL requests: When sending a POST request with data, add --data-binary to your curl command followed by the data you want to send.
On tool launch:
My only iface is wlan0:
First I run the scan with: iwlist scanning
Found an ESSID: ESSID:"FROST-Nidus-Setup"
Next I try to connect to the access point via it's essid with: iwconfig wlan0 essid FROST-Nidus-Setup
Curled the setup site as instructed:
API documentation:
Current temperature:
Ok, I raised it to 0, but it's actually below 0 still…
Let's raise it to 40ºC…
Next: obj-4