Easy as it (TCP) Streams


Pasted image 20220908151933



Downloaded the pcap, then opened in Wireshark. Scrolled to bottom since capture was "cut off". Right clicked to follow stream. Pasted image 20220908152000

Oh, theres three tcp streams, 1 is the interaction that the user had with the terminal, the other is a private pgp key block, and the third is a message. Pasted image 20220908152011 Pasted image 20220908152025 Ok, I was able to put the PGP private key into cyberchef along with the passphrase shown in the encrypt command, and I got the output of the message. Pasted image 20220908152040 Then I added the Magic function to the recipe, and saw that it just needed to gunzip and the cleartext flag was there. Pasted image 20220908152056 Flag:


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