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What is the secret access key for the Jack Frost Tower job applications server? Brave the perils of Jack's bathroom to get hints from Noxious O. D'or.
aws link:
Loading the page shows it's an application portal.
Checking out the application submittal page shows that one of the forms is for a URL to a Naughty List Background Investigation (NLBI) report.
I had initially submitted the application with the NLBI URL as got redirected to a page that said submission accepted.
I realized that I needed to use the Amazon-defined link local address When I submitted this I got a completely different response back:
When I looked at the HTTP request history in Burp, I saw that the image that wasn't rendering was actually text that contained the response of an HTTP request to the IMDS endpoint URL I had included.
I also realized that the images in the Opportunities page I had looked at earlier that didn't render properly were also IMDS endpoints, with 1.jpg being latest, 2.jpg being jf-deploy-role, 3.jpg being latest, and 4.jpg being openssh-key.
And what am I looking for here, the API Key? No, the "secret access key". Ah, ok, I need to append the top-level categories AFTER /latest/meta-data/. I submitted another application with /latest/meta-data/iam/, then requested the test.jpg image to see the results.
/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials only contained the jf-deploy-role.
/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/jf-deploy-role held the SecretAccessKey I was looking for.
"Code": "Success",
"LastUpdated": "2021-05-02T18:50:40Z",
"Type": "AWS-HMAC",
"SecretAccessKey": "CGgQcSdERePvGgr058r3PObPq3+0CfraKcsLREpX",
"Token": "NR9Sz/7fzxwIgv7URgHRAckJK0JKbXoNBcy032XeVPqP8/tWiR/KVSdK8FTPfZWbxQ==",
"Expiration": "2026-05-02T18:50:40Z"
Submitting the Access Key above popped the objective and unlocked some additional story entries.
Next: obj-11