Yara Analysis


KringleCon - Entry

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First I tried to look at the yara_rules file, but it was wicked long. Then I decided to just run the app in order to trigger the rule block. I was hoping to then be able to go into a log file and find the rule that tripped, but the rule was put on the terminal output right there for me. Pasted image 20220910181158

So rule 135 is what tripped. Let's see what that does. Pasted image 20220910181207

It looks like it pops on anything that has the string candycane in it? The file hash is in SHA-256 as well.

Can I just change the SHA hash of the file? First lets make sure it matches. It doesn't?

I ran xxd on the binary and scrolled through quickly, it references the candycane string: Pasted image 20220910181234

Let's edit with xxd, first I open the elf bin in vim, then I type:

:%! xxd -b

I did a search for /cand to jump to the exact spot I want to be in: Pasted image 20220910181307

Whoops! Wrong spot, I had to search for /can to find the right instance of it. Pasted image 20220910181315

Then I just changed the c to a b, for 'bandycane', then tried to run the program. I got a ton of errors: Pasted image 20220910181330

Oh, I have to go back to regular vim mode, xxd -r. Pasted image 20220910181336

Ok I ended the teminal session then opened it back up. I opened vim again, went into xxd mode, and changed the c to C (63 to 43 in hex). After xxd -r reversing the file, I wrote it out and tried to run the bin. Well, it bypassed that rule, now it hit rule 1035. Pasted image 20220910181349

What's in rule 1035? Pasted image 20220910181355

Can I just make the file longer? Found the following command via google:

dd if=/dev/null of=largerfile.txt bs=1 count=0 seek=16777216

That shows it as 16M now! Pasted image 20220910181419

Oh fuck me, it hit yara rule 1056 both times, not 1035 lolol.

Whats this one? Pasted image 20220910181427

Well I can't get rid of libc.so.6, but I can probably dump this rogram!! bit. Pasted image 20220910181453

I nulled out rogram!!. Pasted image 20220910181504

Now it popped for rule 1732. Pasted image 20220910181511

Ok now let's pad it out over 50KB.

dd if=/dev/null of=the_critical_elf_app bs=1 count=0 seek=51000

Popped for same rule: Pasted image 20220910181530

Can I change the 02 to 00? Pasted image 20220910181538

Boom, that was it!! Pasted image 20220910181545

Maybe the padding would have worked if I had used truncate? Idk. Doesn't seem to really matter that much.

Next: term-8